Saturday, September 7, 2013

Bioshock Infinite: A Theory *spoilers*

At the end of the game we find out that the game deals with parallel worlds that are built off of the decisions you did not make.  Specifically, Comstock is a result of Dewitt choosing to get baptised at a pivotal point in his life, thus, providing us with reasoning for him being "gung-ho" about God and Government.  Another thing is that in these "other worlds" your appearance can be drastically different from how it is now.  After some thought, I started to piece together my own universe, one that directly connects all three of the games.  My theories are as follows:

-Andrew Ryan is Dewitt,  mostly Comstock.  I believe that Ryan was created when Comstock decided to embrace God and religion.  By embracing those things, a parallel world was created where he chose to reject them, which is what Andrew Ryan does.  Essentially they both come from Dewitt, but, more evidence of relation can be found in Comstock; after all, the game only gives you enough background to understand where Comstock came from, to try and figure out where Ryan came from we would have to make stuff up or "grab at straws."

-Sophia Lamb is Daisy Fitzgerald.  I believe this mostly because she was the rival of Comstock, well, the most prevalent one.

-Delta is the guy who became the Songbird.  The whole idea of "protection" that surrounds the character leads me to believe this.  Also, the fact that he was a man turned into a machine.  Though there is little evidence to back this up, what is there, though, is solid enough.

-Anna is the protagonist from the first game.  It makes sense seeing that its an offspring going against its parent.  If the Letuce's other self is a male, then why can Anna not be a male in a different world?

-Tenenbaum is Letuce.  This is based off the fact that both characters created the "big science things" in the games.

-Rapture, and its history, is erased at the end of the game when Comstock is destroyed.

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